Retirement Allowance Calculator

Entries into the calculator will not affect your actual retirement application and calculation.

For additional information, please see the Service Retirement Plans and Benefits for Tiers III/IV and Retirement Payment Options: Tiers III/IV/VI brochures.


To use the calculator, enter your information into the fields provided and click "Calculate."

You may see information in some fields already; this reflects the latest information TRS has on record for you. You may enter different information as desired to provide a better estimation of your retirement allowance.

Retirement Date: Your benefit estimate will be calculated based on this date as your retirement date.

Age at Retirement: The age you would be at the projected retirement date. Your age may be rounded up to the next whole number.

Total Service Credit: Any Total Service Credit shown represents the latest information TRS has on file. You may enter the Total Service Credit you expect to earn by your projected retirement date. Total Service Credit includes TRS membership service, transferred service, credited prior service, and any service credit eligible for purchase that you may have as of the current date.

TRS updates service credit totals based on information provided by your employer. For most members, this happens on a monthly basis. Some members, including those who receive summer pay for employment during the school year, may not see updates to their service credit totals between July and October.

Final Average Salary (FAS): Any FAS shown is equivalent to the estimated compensation base from your most recent Annual Benefits Statement (ABS). For more information on how this figure was calculated, please review your ABS. Your actual FAS at retirement may differ. For the purpose of this estimate, you may enter the FAS you expect to earn by your projected retirement date. The FAS is generally defined as the highest average of wages earned by a member during any continuous period of employment for which the member was credited with three years of service—subject to certain exclusions. Wages earned during any year used in a FAS calculation cannot exceed the average of the previous two years' wages by more than 10%.

Beneficiary's Date of Birth: If you would like to calculate your retirement allowance benefit based on payments to a beneficiary, enter a beneficiary's date of birth. You do not need to use a current beneficiary. You are NOT officially nominating a beneficiary.


Retirement Plan: This represents your participation in TRS.

Maximum QPP Loan at Retirement: This amount represents the projected maximum QPP loan you could take at retirement, if you were to take a loan in addition to any existing outstanding loan. The loan would not be repaid to TRS but would reduce the amount of your retirement allowance. See Annual Loan Reduction below for more details.

Annual Loan Reduction: Your retirement allowance would be reduced by a calculated amount for each $1,000 of outstanding QPP loan balance prior to retirement. The reduction amount is based on factors applicable for the current year. The amount listed here is calculated as if you had taken the Maximum QPP Loan at Retirement.

Outstanding Loan Amount: If you currently have an outstanding QPP loan, this amount represents the loan balance projected to the selected retirement date, if all scheduled loan repayments, interest, and insurance charges would continue up to the retirement date.

If you plan to pay off the outstanding loan before retiring, indicate this by checking the box.

Additional Loan at Retirement/Additional Monthly Loan Reduction: Once you have clicked "Calculate," you will be able to enter a loan amount in this field (minimum of $1,000) to see how an additional (or new) loan at retirement will affect your retirement allowance. Click "Calculate Reduction" to view the Additional Monthly Loan Reduction.

Additional Monthly Loan Reduction: If you have entered an additional loan amount at retirement, this amount represents the additional reduction in your monthly retirement allowance under the Maximum Payment Option that would result.

Payment Options: You have a variety of choices regarding the distribution of your retirement allowance under the QPP. In all cases, you would receive a monthly retirement allowance payment for your lifetime; however, all options, except Maximum Payment, generally provide reduced monthly payments. If you didn’t provide a beneficiary’s date of birth, you will not see estimates for the options that require it.

  • Maximum Payment Option: Under the Maximum Payment Option, you will receive the highest retirement allowance to which you are entitled. You cannot provide for a beneficiary under this choice.
  • Option 1: Lifetime monthly payments to your beneficiary equaling 100% of your monthly retirement allowance payments.
  • Option 2: Lifetime monthly payments to your beneficiary equaling a specific percentage (that you elect on your retirement application) of your monthly retirement allowance payments.
  • Option 3: A guaranteed number of payments (equal to 5 years) would be made to you and your beneficiary. If you die before receiving that number of payments, the remaining monthly payments would be made to your beneficiary. If you receive the guaranteed number of payments, no benefit would be payable after your death.
  • Option 4: A guaranteed number of payments (equal to 10 years) would be made to you and your beneficiary. If you die before receiving that number of payments, the remaining monthly payments would be made to your beneficiary. If you receive the guaranteed number of payments, no benefit would be payable after your death.
  • Option 5-1: Lifetime monthly payments to your beneficiary equaling 100% of your monthly retirement allowance payments. If your beneficiary dies before you do, the amount of your monthly retirement allowance payments would be increased to the maximum to which you are entitled; no benefit would be payable after your death.
  • Option 5-2: Lifetime monthly payments to your beneficiary equaling 50% of your monthly retirement allowance payments. If your beneficiary dies before you do, the amount of your monthly retirement allowance payments would be increased to the maximum to which you are entitled; no benefit would be payable after your death.

Retirement Allowance (Annual and Monthly): Your retirement allowance is generally made up of two components.

  • The regular pension portion of your retirement allowance is based on factors such as your Total Service Credit and Final Average Salary (FAS), and it is partially funded by your Member Contributions Accumulation Fund (MCAF) balance at retirement.
  • The second portion of your retirement allowance is based on any Annuity Savings Accumulation Fund (ASAF) balance at retirement.

Beneficiary Cost (Bnfc Cost): The amount by which your monthly retirement allowance under the Maximum Payment Option would be reduced to provide for a beneficiary.

Beneficiary's Monthly Benefit (Bnfc Benefit)Reflects your beneficiary's projected monthly benefit payments under each payment option. No amount would appear for options that do not provide monthly payments to beneficiaries.

About your estimated benefits
If you calculated your estimate using the A55 Retirement Program provisions, the results are not a guarantee of entitlement to a retirement benefit under these provisions. Since many of the calculation factors use assumptions that will change, your actual benefits will be different from the estimate provided; the longer the period between the benefit estimate and you actual retirement date, the greater the possible difference between your actual benefits and the estimate. As such, the estimate is not a guarantee, is subject to change and/or correction, and should not solely be relied upon. You should confirm this estimate with your own records prior to making decisions concerning your retirement. If you disagree with any of the information that is currently in our files, please bring it to your attention immediately, along with a written description and supporting documentation.