
If eligible, you can access your available statements and recent letters from TRS. If you received a lump-sum distribution from TRS in the past five years, you can view the associated 1099 forms; if you are a retiree receiving monthly benefits, you can view the 1099 forms, beginning with the 2021 tax year.  

The statements, brochures, and letters are in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need the free Adobe Reader® plug-in for your browser to read these documents.

Monthly Account Information

If you are in active service, on a leave of absence for up to seven school years, or have TDA Deferral status, you will see a summary of your monthly account information and a link to view your statement details. Monthly online information shows QPP and/or TDA account activity and are normally available by the third week of each month. Closing Balances are calculated using the unit values for the month shown; Opening Balances are calculated using the unit values for the previous month.

Tier I and II Members
  • The Annuity Savings Fund (ASF) is the account that contains your contributions to the QPP, plus interest and/or investment return.
  • Increased-Take-Home Pay (ITHP) is an amount contributed by the City of New York toward your retirement allowance. This amount, which equals 2.5% of your gross salary, can reduce your QPP contributions, or it can be waived for a higher annuity benefit at retirement.
Tier III, IV, and VI Members
  • The Member Contributions Accumulation Fund (MCAF) contains your contributions to the QPP, plus interest. Credits shown include any payments for prior or membership service.
  • The Annuity Savings Accumulation Fund (ASAF) contains supplemental contributions from the Department of Education for certain eligible employees who have reached the maximum of their salary schedule.

Quarterly Account Statement

The QAS is available to members in active service, members who are on a leave of absence for up to seven school years, and retired members. Please note that retired members will only be able to view the last four statements that were available to them while in active service. The QAS is generally available within one to two months following the end of each quarter of the calendar year. Links will be shown for the four most recent statements available. For help in understanding your QAS, please consult TRS' QAS Information Sheet.

TDA Quarterly Statement

The TDA Quarterly Statement is available to retired members who are maintaining a TDA Program account through TDA Deferral status. The TDA Quarterly Statement is generally available within one to two months following the end of each quarter of the calendar year. Links will be shown for the four most recent statements available. For help in understanding your statement, please consult TRS' TDA Deferral Status brochure.

Annual Benefits Statement

If you are in active service or on a leave of absence for up to seven school years, you will see a link to view your Annual Benefits Statement (ABS). The ABS is generally available each fall and summarizes your Total Service Credit, lists your designated beneficiaries, and provides benefit estimates and benefit projections to certain retirement-eligible members.

ABS Inquiry

If available, this link will take you to a page where you can submit questions concerning your most recent Annual Benefits Statement (ABS). The ABS is issued each fall to members in active service (or on a leave of absence for up to seven school years) and reports account and benefit information as of June 30. Please note that, if you currently have an outstanding ABS Inquiry on file at TRS, you may not submit another inquiry at this time. Please do not use this feature for inquiries not related to your ABS; instead, you may contact our Member Services Center at 1 (888) 8-NYC-TRS (869-2877).

1099 Forms

This feature is available to TRS members and beneficiaries who received a lump-sum distribution from TRS in the past five years. Retirees can view the 1099 forms for their monthly benefits, beginning with the 2021 tax year. TRS issues 1099 forms each January to individuals who received distributions from TRS in the previous year. For help in understanding 1099 forms, please consult TRS' 1099 Forms brochure.


This feature allows members to view recent letters from TRS.