If you are in active service or on a leave of absence for up to seven school years, you will see a link to view your Annual Benefits Statement (ABS). The ABS is generally available each fall and summarizes your Total Service Credit, lists your designated beneficiaries, and provides benefit estimates and benefit projections to certain retirement-eligible members.
ABS Inquiry
If available, this link will take you to a page where you can submit questions concerning your most recent Annual Benefits Statement (ABS). The ABS is issued each fall to members in active service (or on a leave of absence for up to seven school years) and reports account and benefit information as of June 30. Please note that, if you currently have an outstanding ABS Inquiry on file at TRS, you may not submit another inquiry at this time. Please do not use this feature for inquiries not related to your ABS; instead, you may contact our Member Services Center at 1 (888) 8-NYC-TRS (869-2877).