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Diversified Equity Fund

The Diversified Equity Fund invests primarily in the stocks of U.S. companies, and also invests a portion of its assets in stocks of non-U.S. companies and other types of investments. The objective is to achieve a rate of return comparable to the return of the broad equity market.

Investment Returns

Returns shown for 1 Year, 3 Years, 5 Years, and 10 Years are annualized.

12/1/24 to 2/28/25
1 Year
3/1/24 to 2/28/25
3 Years
3/1/22 to 2/28/25
5 Years
3/1/20 to 2/28/25
10 Years
3/1/15 to 2/28/25


14.03% 9.42%  13.39% 10.03%

Unit Value

March 2025: $146.967

Unit Value Historical Data

Asset Allocation

as of December 31, 2022

$14,403 Million

Asset Allocation in Millions^
Domestic Equity-Passive Core 62.6% $9,020
International Equity-Active 25.1% $3,610
Domestic Active Management 12.3% $1,771
 Miscellanous (Transition and Rebalance Account) 0.0% $1

^Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Benchmark Comparison

For benchmark comparison information, please access the Fund Profiles booklet.